Hutton FC has a number of options for Girl Players for 2018/19 School Years 5 (U10) to Year 13 (U18).
- Hutton FC have U9, U10, U11, U12 teams entered in the BCFA. We also have U13, U14, U16 & U18 teams entered in the ECGFL this 2018/19 season.
- We offer training on Saturday 10.15 to 11.45 mornings for all girls (experienced or not) in School Years 5-11 on the grass at Shenfield School. Please contact Stuart Hart at girlssecretary@huttonfc.com for more details. [Note – in July and August the sessions are more informal, and are held at King Georges, Brentwood]
- In detail
- The School Year 13 (U18) session is run by Nick Pidgeon
- The School Year 11 (U16) session is run by Tim Tribe
- The School Year 9 (U14) session is run by Stuart Hart.
- The School Year 8 (U13) session is run by Mick Bryan and Rob Montgomery.
- The School Year 7 (U12) session is run by Paul Barclay.
- The School Year 6 (U11) session is run by Jamie Schofield.
- The School Year 5 & 4 (U10) session is run by Ian Farmer and Stacy Whymark.